About Us
We are privileged to be God's messengers, using music as the vehicle with which to deliver His message.
Susan frequently says we are “abundantly blessed and well taken care of.” And it’s definitely true. Some of those blessings show up as the talents with which He has gifted us, others as the abilities which He has instilled in us.
As an acknowledgment of all He has given us, we not only want to bless others with music but also want to encourage, support and urge others to respond to the call – and invitation – God has extended to every single person. He wants to share eternity with all of us!

Mark and Susan along
the Mediterranean Sea during a trip to Israel
Our Story
Starting with Preparation, the gospel touring group back in college, together we have been involved in one type of music ministry or another. With God’s gifts of Mark’s voice and Susan’s attention to scheduling, promotion and all the details, it has been the joy of our lives to share the efforts of reaching out to others for Jesus. As a soloist wherever we lived, or as part of a quartet while in medical practice in West Michigan and Green Bay, church choirs, special events or a larger ensemble (His Way of Green Bay), it seems our schedule always has been filled with dates and opportunities to sing of Jesus’ love.
In September 2018, Mark received an unexpected invitation to audition for the King’s Heralds Quartet, now headquartered in Portland, Tennessee. Officially started in 1927, the quartet has shared God’s message in music around the world. Believing that God had orchestrated it all – even though it meant leaving a lifetime of full-time medical practice as a physician, when the quartet said, “Join us!”, Mark said, “Yes!” and started rehearsing with them later that fall. Full-time touring started the next spring. Although humbled and very grateful for the incredible experience, exposure and networking that this opportunity afforded, we missed being a ministry team together. God knows our hearts and hears our prayers. In summer 2021, we made the announcement that Mark would relaunch his solo ministry.
There’s more to the story than we have room to share here – the answered prayers, the doors opened (and the ones closed), the conversations shared and encouragement expressed, but we are convicted that God is the One Who has directed our steps and provided the opportunities that, today, allow us to work together as a team again in music ministry. It is our constant prayer and desire to serve Him faithfully, whenever He calls and wherever He leads.